Thursday, October 19, 2006


Somehow, when i entered my office today, it felt new, different ! The festive mood - the flowers, the rangoli etc etc. People in ethnic wear and all, felt like college again, where we have our traditional day !

Hostel life beats it all, instances keep flashing here and there all through out the day ! People say, you will get used to the work, hehe, what if i do not want to get used to this ?

satisfaction in life, is it soo much important ? Well this is the question i keep asking to myself dayin & dayout ! Well may be because i have too much free time to think :P, anyways it felt a bit better than the rest of the days at work !

Monday, October 16, 2006

Is this the way ?

Its been a while since the last time ive been here :) may be i'll be around more often from now on !

There existed a period
, when people gave their lives away for something which may seem stupid to the today man, honor. Life was altogether different ! It had a deferent sense, a different way, a different definition all together. Are we getting better day by day ? or is it the other way ? I know that it is a lot easier to question, rather than choose to answer, or is silence the answer ? Yes, some times it is !, but not always. Death is THE thing which defines ones life, being so why should one define something which is destined to cease to exist ?

It is said,

' A man does what he can, untill his destiny is revealed'
May be so, may not be so, but there exist a life, a life of our own, which is prevalent. So, what defines our lives, rather, hows should we define our lives to be ? I know that its all relative, but still, though the paths vary, the beginning and the ending are common to all!

Money, the one thing that rules today's world. Has it been so, since the beginning of humanity? Yes ! It has been ! But only to a limited set of people. Life had some meaning, besides money, people believed in principles, beliefs, faith, honor, a sense of liveliness! So is wealth acquisition the only thing that matters to people? I know that it is essential for the management of a household or a society, but is it ALL that we intend to do, strive for, live for ?

Aristotle once said,

‘For the amount of property which is needed for a good life is not unlimited’

although Solon in one of his poems said,

‘No bound to riches has been fixed for man’

So, who is right? I guess both are and both aren't. Each person is a different enity, completely unique. It is he who chooses his own path, his own life! But how do one define a right way to live? Does such a thing exist as, a right way ? If at all it does, who defines it ? To an extent I guess, its the society which does define it! Well, a society introduces leaders, politics ....etc which inturn define the right way! Which leads us to, who ... leader... politcs ?

I believe there are two sects of people, who live for themselves and the other, who live for others. So why does a person feel the urge to leave himself behind and think about the rest? May be he is too happy with his life, or may be is just trying to find a way to understand the way of life! Or may be, because he is destined to be so!

A leader is a person who falls into this category. His life is defined by that of his people. Aristotle described a politician, a leader to be:

‘A person who attends more to men than to acquisition of intimate things, and to human excellence more than to the excellence of property which we call wealth, and to the virtue of freemen more than to the virtue of slaves.’

So, virtues define a leader, a true politician. If it is so, how many true politicians exist in today’s world? One may argue, how can a true leader exist if his pupils are unjust? Yeah, this may be the case! A society (nation) is determined by the virtues of its leader, and that is in-turn defined by the virtues of his people. So it is we, who can make a difference to the place where we exist. Though I cannot define, explain the existence, it somehow feels right this way, where things seem just, and life means much more than it is today !

“Each one gives law to his children and to his wives”
- Homer