Monday, August 04, 2008

Reason !

I do not have to answer to you,
But I still want to !

I was watching this movie 'No Reservations' yesterday, and some how i felt it disturbing. Diff kind of ppl exist in this tiny world . Some know what they want to do and the rest live just because they are given a chance to. Though either of them are not bad, i am more inclined towards the first kinda life.

So, what if u discover what u like, love and chose to live it out. You start filling your life with that one and only one thing and eventually u get to a point at which u are so obsessed with it that you value nothing else ( or you dont have anything else to value :P)

Which I think is a bad life, being obsessed and all, and not realising the importance of other things that life gives u etc etc. So it finally comes down to, reducing the importance to the things u like and catering that time to something else which u may not like as much as the prior.

If so, what is the point in knowing what u like or what u dont like ?


Blogger Pujya said...

some other times u do not want to value things apart from what-you-have-filled-your-life-with u start thinking what-u-have-filled-u-r-life with is 'the life'.
It is like a frog who's staying in a well and thinks it is the world and when he gets out of it (willingly or forcefully) the reality hits.

Whole life is about getting out of that well and taking-on life one-on-one.. like a man.

PS: please don't give me crap of man and woman and about frog's gender...

PS2: you also have word-verification on :D

5:53 PM, August 05, 2008  
Blogger Harsha Gopal said...

1st Flaw: The well u were refering to was selected by you, hence your choice to stay in it!

2nd Flaw: What is taking on life one-on-one ? :P ... its not a contest ! its just a journey !

3rd: People choose what they like and hence create the well, hence nothin hits when they come out, they just dislike it and hence go back again to the well :) ..ha ha!

12:12 PM, August 06, 2008  

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